Green Light for New Health Centre in Bentley, Doncaster
Green Light for New Health Centre in Bentley, Doncaster
P+HS Architects are delighted to announce formal planning approval for a new health centre in Bentley, Doncaster. Working with Community Ventures, this key milestone follows intensive stakeholder engagement with NHS Doncaster CCG and the two GP practices involved: Don Valley and Ransome Practice.
Planning approval also aligns with the completion of the detailed design stage and the recent contractor appointment for a start on site in the coming months.
The existing outdated buildings of the two practices restricts the range of services that can be provided and also affects the quality of experience for patients and the staff who run clinics in the buildings. New proposals, on the site of Bentley Community Library which is being demolished, will see a purpose built 3-storey healthcare building designed to facilitate collaborative working and targeting BREEAM Excellent.
Associate and Design Lead Patrick Kelly said: "The site offers a strong opportunity to accommodate a building of high quality design, and a community facility from where excellent integrated healthcare services can be delivered. The knock-on effects of this will result in the new health centre being the catalyst for future regeneration and placemaking within the site context of Bentley."