New Chair for one of CIAT's Regional Groups

Sam L CIAT awards

New Chair for one of CIAT's Regional Groups

Continuing his involvement with the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technology (CIAT), Sam Lambert has taken on a new role as Chair of CIAT's aspirATion group in the Yorkshire region.

aspirATion is a community of CIAT members and affiliates made up of students, graduates and recently qualified professionals which aims to support aspiring young talent, and to help in shaping the future of Architectural Technology. Read more about the aims and ambitions of aspirATion here and find out how to get involved.

In taking on the new role, Sam said: " I've been lucky enough to be inspired and supported in my career to date, going from apprentice in 2019 to winner of CIAT's Emerging Talent award in 2022 it has been quite a journey so far! As Chair of the Yorkshire aspirATion group, I look forward to developing a community of talented and ambitious professionals within AT, a community that supports one another, inspires the next generation, and has a voice in the future of Architectural Technology and its pivotal role within the UK Construction Industry. I'm looking forward to the year ahead and some great events, opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing and hopefully plenty of enjoyment along the way!

If you have any questions for Sam or would like to get involved with the group, you can email him at

Congratulations and good luck in your new role Sam; we know that you will do a great job!