New Plans for Sight Loss Charity
New Plans for Sight Loss Charity
Our team has recently submitting a planning application on behalf of Vista, a charity that works with people with sight loss.
Vista has ambitious plans to redevelop its site at Leicester Forest East to create a new home for the charity and to expand its services for the sight loss community in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. Despite being the largest local sight loss charity in the UK, Vista currently lacks a good physical place, making it difficult for people to know, find and access them; the vision is to change that.
The new development, a Community Hub & Care Home will have a wide range of facilities to host activities and services, provide social and leisure space, a café, shop and gym and will also include a new specialist care home for people affected by sight loss. The ambition is to create an inclusive and welcoming centre of excellence for sight loss, where people can come together in a safe, welcoming and inclusive environment to access support, make friends, try new things, socialise and live.
The new centre will be designed around the needs of everyone who lives, works and visits there, making the building easy to use and accessible and supportive to all. Finally, the charity will make their new home a place of education and learning, so that Vista is recognised as a teacher of sight loss for all, helping to make communities more accessible than ever.
Associate and Project Architect Patrick Kelly said: “This is really exciting project. Using our specialist knowledge and design skills to create a place that will literally transform people’s lives and improve understanding of the challenges of living with sight loss is a huge opportunity and we have really enjoyed working with Vista up to planning stage. We are now hopeful of a positive response from the planners so that we can continue to move the project forward.”