Our Residential Scheme for Key Workers is a LABC Finalist!
Our Residential Scheme for Key Workers is a LABC Finalist!
The Roost: high quality accommodation for nursing students and junior doctors has been shortlisted in the regional LABC Awards.
The new development was strategically important for Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust, forming part of its plan to attract key workers to the area. Director of Estates, Jug Johal explained: "This is an investment not just in our hospital but in our local community. We are hoping this £16.4million project will help us to attract people to come from far and wide to come and work and live in the region and importantly to stay".
Feedback so far on the accommodation is good, with students commenting on its high quality. Let's hope that feedback from the awards next month is equally positive; we wish the Trust, Kier and the team the very best of luck.