Farewell Gill
Farewell Gill
Gill Traynor, one of our longest serving members of staff, retires today. After 18 years at P+HS Architects, Gill today signs off and heads into a well-earned retirement. Joining the Practice when there were just 3 Directors with just two offices, Gill has seen much change within the profession and huge growth at P+HS during her time with us. Gill said: “ I joined the Practice in 2001 as Practice Secretary, primarily working with Rowland, one of the founding Directors. The Leeds office hadn’t been opened long and the Stokesley office had 12 staff, I have seen the Practice grow and prosper to three offices and 70 + staff. I will miss everyone and especially those who have become very good friends, what I won’t miss is all the new technology!"
"My retirement will enable me to spend more time with my family and especially my grandchildren and I’m looking forward to exploring new hobbies. I would like to wish everyone all the best for the future and hope P+HS Architects goes from strength to strength."