On Site Amble

2897 Amble Aerial supplied by Home Group Sam Simmons

On Site Amble

We are working with Home Group on a residential scheme on the outskirts of Amble to provide much needed housing in Northumberland. The phased development at Longstone Manor will see a total of 185 homes built over the next few years.

A mixed blend of family homes is being constructed across the site, including two-, three- and four-bedroom houses, along with one-bedroom tyneside flats and bungalows. The development includes homes for affordable rent and shared ownership, as well as outright sale through Persona Homes.

The neighbourhood design has a key focus on public open space with a rich biodiversity to maintain and encourage wildlife. A Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme will also be constructed.

Esh has been appointed as the design and build contractor and will work in partnership with Curtins, P+HS Architects, Storm Tempest, AA Projects Ltd and Southern Green to deliver the scheme.

January 2023

Fantastic to see this scheme taking real shape - the view from above really helps to give insight into just how far the scheme is progressing.



November 2023

Perfect day for aerial site photographs! Keep an eye out for video content … coming shortly!

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It is amazing to see from up high, the site's proximity to the coast and Walkworth Castle, and just how well the scheme sits within the local context.

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A prominent focal point within the centre of the site; the central area of public open space and swale coming along nicely.

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The weather taking a slight turn, the perfect back drop to some of the pristine white render homes. A mixture of different brick types, render and weatherboard cladding materials were chosen across the site and identified in key locations, to respect the local context and provide modern homes.

Amble 2897 Nov2023 IMG 0728

A quick video showing one of the key focal points within the site; an area of public open space with enhanced drainage and landscaping features. A mixture of detached, semi-detached and terraces houses are fronting onto this area, removing vehicles from these spaces, enhancing opportunities for safe play and use.

A two bedroom house with a view through to the garden from the front door and elevated to sit well within the local context of Amble and existing housing typologies.

Amble 2897 Nov2023 IMG 0750

September 2023

Site Hazard board from Esh indicating the day's activities and risks

2897 Amble IMG 0066 Hazards of the day

Landing skylight in house type 04

2897 Amble IMG 0074 Landing skylight in HT04 A

House type 04 nearing completion

2897 Amble IMG 0661 HT04 nearing completion

House type 01 in a terrace block of four units

2897 Amble IMG 0081 HT01 in a four block terrace

House types 05 and 06 in progress

2897 Amble IMG 0679 HT05 and HT06 in progress

9th January 2023

Site Hazard board, located at the compound, indicating the activities and risks for the day

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Plots in various stages of construction

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External works finishes being applied

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First lift masonry, showing window and door formers

2897 Amble IMG 6775

Masonry up to DPC, with gas membrane lapped from under the beam and block floor

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First floor joists, with flooring glued to joist

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Roof gable spandrel panel, with gable ladder to roof edge

2897 Amble IMG 6788

8th November

Sales area taking shape at the entrance to the site

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Plots on the Southern edge of site, at various stages of construction

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House Type 4, prior to rendering

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Artstone surrounds (prior to a good scrub!)

2897 Amble SS IMG 6399

Boiler pipework

2897 Amble SS IMG 6413

House Type 5 stairwell

2897 Amble SS IMG 6420

Key People