On Site Middleton St George Medical Practice
On Site Middleton St George Medical Practice
St George’s Medical Practice moved into temporary accommodation on land adjacent to a retirement village in 2017, secured with a short-term planning approval. The Practice were expecting to be there for a short period while new premises were built on the adjacent land but unexpected delays have left the GPs working out of the modular building for the last 6 years.
P+HS are working with developer Community Ventures to provide fit-for-purpose premises, enabling the practice to continue delivering primary care services to the residents of Middleton St. George. Now on site with Acomb Construction, the new surgery will have twice as many clinical rooms whilst meeting latest NHS standards for primary care accommodation.
Nestled in front of mature woodland in rural County Durham, the single-storey building is designed around a landscaped courtyard to provide patients and staff with a surgery that promotes mental well-being alongside clinical practice.
December 2023
Despite the continuing poor weather, progress on site continues. On a rare sunny day our latest visit to site saw that the roof trusses are now installed and the team are hoping for a watertight building by Christmas.
November 2023
Visit to a wet site showing external walls up to window/door head level with expected progress to wall plate/roof level by the end of the week.