Sam L GUYCARPENTER 20220303 101126

Sam Lambert


Sam is one of our Technologists, based in the Stokesley office. Joining P+HS Architects in 2019 as an apprentice, Sam combined study with practical project work and went on to achieve distinction in all eight modules of his HNC in Building Studies. Now a valued member of our technical team, in 2022 he won a top award from CIAT (Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists) as he was named Emerging Talent in the Technology of Architecture.

Over recent months he has been working on healthcare projects, providing construction drawings and assisting with technical delivery information on a range of schemes for key clients including a new Day Surgery Hospital in Chorley for Ramsay Health Care, A Primary Care scheme in Newcastle for Tolent, and a new Outpatients' scheme at Kings College Hospital in London providing technical information to off site specialist Premier Modular.

Sam is now a Chartered Architectural Technologist MCIAT. He also represents CIAT's regional group of aspiring young technologists in his role as Chair of AspirATion for the Yorkshire region.

P+HS Architects
The Old Station
Station Road

01642 712684

technical, healthcare

Selected Projects
On Site Middleton St George Medical Practice
Kings College Hospital: Outpatients