Healthcare of the Future
Healthcare of the Future
One of P+HS Architects' Healthcare Leads recently gave a fascinating insight into the future of healthcare as part of a webinar from Sustainable Huddersfield.
Alice Green in her role as Board Director at Architects for Health was invited to take part in a webinar organised in collaboration with Policy Connect and Sustainable Huddersfield to consider some of the big questions facing healthcare, recognising the profound impact that it has on everyone's lives.
Chaired by Mike Sills, Chair of the Health & Wellbeing Group of Sustainable Huddersfield, the webinar heard from Alice and other experts as they looked at best practice and some of the pioneering work taking place both at home and abroad. Using the World Health Organisation's Healthy Cities illustration and referencing case studies of international best practice, Alice covered the key points of what makes a healthy environment and what we can aspire to for the future.
Well worth a watch! You can catch it here: Healthcare of the Future: Sustainability, Infrastructure & Innovation